What Makes Marriage Counseling So Successful?

Merging two unique lives in a relationship, no matter how compatible, can inevitably lead to stress and challenges. In such times, striving for a high marriage counseling success rate becomes pivotal to preserving the health and quality of your bond. It not only aids in resolving current issues but also imparts valuable techniques for navigating future hurdles effectively.

Why Couples Seek Marriage Counseling in Frisco, Texas

On the path of marriage counseling in Frisco, TX, it can be a remarkable voyage of transformation and growth. It offers a welcoming platform to unpack the various complexities causing strain in your relationship. Each couple is as unique as a fingerprint, and the triggers prompting their pursuit of professional guidance are just as distinct. From navigating the turbulent waters of jealousy and personal insecurities to wrestling with the grip of addiction, the betrayal of infidelity, the strain of financial turmoil, and beyond, couples therapy extends a lifeline in a safe and impartial setting. Here, these challenges are not just faced, but skillfully unraveled. Let’s delve into some of the most common reasons couples seek therapy in our experience:

Jealousy and Individual Insecurities

Past traumas, such as those stemming from childhood or previous relationships, can significantly impact the health of a current relationship. Experiences like parental abuse, relationships with individuals battling addiction, or surviving domestic abuse can cast a long shadow. Also, struggles with confidence and self-esteem can ripple out, affecting the dynamics within a family. Marriage counseling can aid in addressing these insecurities, helping individuals heal while strengthening their bond as a couple.

Struggles with Addiction

Addictions, be it to drugs, alcohol, pornography, gambling, and others, are health crises that reach far beyond the activity or substance involved. A therapist can help identify the effects of addiction on a marriage, navigate complex emotions, and connect individuals struggling with addiction to specialized services for further support.

Infidelity and Trust Issues

Trust is fundamental to a relationship, and its breach can seem irreparable. Infidelity and resultant trust issues are among the most common reasons couples seek counseling. If you’re grappling with trust issues, it is advisable to seek professional guidance.

Financial Struggles

Financial issues are frequent stressors in relationships, leading to anxiety, feelings of loss of control, or amplifying existing negative emotions. Therapists can help couples discuss and manage financial struggles more effectively, bringing about a sense of calm and control.

Parenting Style Conflicts

Disagreements over parenting styles, especially in the case of blended families, families with children with special needs, or where significant age or cultural gaps exist between spouses, can cause strain. Marriage counseling can help align these divergent perspectives, creating a harmonious familial atmosphere.

Lack of Communication or Difficulty Communicating

Sometimes, the issue is not what’s being said but how it’s being communicated. Varied communication styles or harmful communication patterns can lead to misunderstandings and resentment. In such cases, a counselor can provide valuable insights into healthier communication methods.

Sex and Intimacy Issues

While some decline in sexual activity and intimacy is normal over time, a significant drop or complete stoppage points to deeper issues. Couples should consider seeking help if they notice a substantial shift in their levels of intimacy.

The Transformational Power of Marriage Counseling

In summary, couples seek marriage counseling in Frisco, TX for a myriad of reasons, each unique and valid. It’s important to remember that seeking help is a sign of strength, not weakness. It shows a commitment to improve, grow, and nurture the bond you share with your partner. By addressing these common issues through counseling, couples can look forward to an improved relationship, deeper understanding, and a more fulfilling future together. Regardless of the issues you’re facing, remember, you’re not alone, and help is available. Embrace this opportunity to transform your relationship into a more loving, respectful, and fulfilling one.

Megan Corrieri is the Best Marriage Counseling Therapist in Frisco, TX

About Megan Corrieri


Therapist | Licensed Professional Clinical Counselor | Nationally Certified Counselor

With a wealth of experience spanning over 15 years, I’ve dedicated my career as a seasoned marriage counselor to guide couples towards rediscovering their bond and working towards a happier, healthier relationship. My approach is tailored to each couple’s unique needs, focusing on fostering trust, resilience, and emotional intelligence. This strategy enables me to guide you through the complexities of relationship dynamics and helps develop a stronger, more understanding partnership.

Remember, reaching out for help is the first step towards change. Don’t hesitate to connect with me today to schedule your initial session. Let’s embark on this journey towards a brighter and more fulfilling future together. Your relationship is worth it, and so are you.

What to Expect From Marriage Counseling

Taking the journey of marriage counseling may initially seem daunting, but be assured, it’s a significant stride towards fostering growth, healing, and reconnection within your relationship. With an average length of marriage counseling spanning between 12 to 16 sessions, it’s important to understand that this process doesn’t promise immediate results but is a consistent journey towards achieving a high marriage counseling success rate. This therapy equips you and your partner with the essential tools to nurture and deepen your bond, fostering mutual understanding and communication. By resolving longstanding conflicts and adopting innovative methods of expressing emotions, you build a resilience that shields your relationship against future challenges. With every session, you inch closer to a thriving relationship that can withstand the test of time, making the investment in marriage counseling both valuable and rewarding.

Navigating the Path to Better Communication

One of the core elements of a successful marriage is effective communication. A marriage counselor will guide both partners on this journey, helping them articulate their thoughts, emotions, and needs more clearly. As a result, future disputes can be addressed more efficiently, reducing the likelihood of intense confrontations and further misunderstandings.

Harnessing the Power of Assertiveness, Not Aggression

In a relationship, the manner of conveying a message can be as crucial as the message itself. Marriage counseling empowers couples to voice their concerns assertively, without resorting to aggression. The goal is to foster a safe environment where each partner can express their boundaries and needs without feeling threatened or overwhelmed.

Transparency in Expressing Needs

Humans aren’t mind readers. This simple yet profound truth underscores the necessity of clear communication within a marriage. Marriage counseling encourages partners to articulate their needs openly and without fear of judgment, fostering a deeper level of understanding and compassion in the relationship.

Cultivating Acceptance and Forgiveness

When trust is breached, particularly in cases of infidelity, the path to recovery often demands acceptance and forgiveness from both parties. Through marriage counseling, the betrayed partner can learn how to process the betrayal, evaluate their capacity for forgiveness, and devise a constructive plan for moving forward.

Working Through Unresolved Issues

The ability to let go of past hurts and misunderstandings is a cornerstone of a healthy relationship. Marriage counseling provides a supportive environment for couples to confront and resolve their lingering issues, clearing the path for future growth and happiness.

Understanding Yourself and Your Partner

Despite being in a long-term relationship, it’s essential to remember that each partner is a unique individual with their own needs and desires. Through marriage counseling, partners can gain a deeper understanding of themselves and each other, strengthening their bond and enhancing their shared experience.

Preparing for Future Challenges

Marriage counseling is not merely about addressing past and present problems; it’s about equipping couples with the necessary tools to handle future crises. By understanding past mistakes and learning new conflict resolution strategies, couples are better prepared to face whatever challenges the future may hold.

Boosting Honesty and Trust

Trust and honesty form the bedrock of a successful relationship. In the therapeutic setting, couples can work on restoring these fundamental aspects of their relationship. The shared effort to repair and reinforce these values often results in a stronger, more resilient bond between partners.

Emerging Stronger From Marriage Counseling

The transformative journey through marriage counseling, designed to enhance the marriage counseling success rate, can significantly foster honesty, trust, and empathy within your relationship. While the process can be filled with challenges, it’s essential to remember that true growth often sprouts from moments of discomfort. At the conclusion of this journey, you and your partner will stand stronger with a fortified bond, armed with the tools and understanding needed to navigate future challenges together. This therapeutic process isn’t merely about weathering a crisis—it’s about flourishing in your shared journey of love, growth, and mutual respect, underpinning the high success rate of marriage counseling.

Navigating Conversational Landmines: What to Avoid Saying in Marriage Counseling

Navigating the therapeutic space of marriage counseling requires conscious awareness of not just what to say but also what to steer clear of. Certain expressions can potentially hinder the progress of therapy, escalating conflict, or causing further emotional distress. Here are a few critical “don’ts” to keep in mind during your sessions:

Absolute Statements

Making absolute statements like “You always…” or “You never…” can be detrimental to productive conversation. Such phrases tend to generalize behavior, dismissing the nuances of the other person’s actions. They can provoke defensiveness and escalate conflict rather than encouraging open, understanding dialogue. For instance, saying “You never listen to me” may prompt your partner to bring up instances where they did listen, diverting the conversation from the original issue.

Derogatory Remarks

Insults, name-calling, or any form of derogatory remarks can not only cause emotional harm but also erode respect and trust within a relationship. Such behavior doesn’t contribute to resolving conflicts but rather fuels resentment. For example, using offensive language or belittling your partner’s feelings can lead to them shutting down, halting meaningful communication.

Bringing Up Past Mistakes

Dragging past errors into present discussions can derail a constructive conversation. It’s important to focus on the current issues at hand, rather than using past mistakes as ammunition. Frequently revisiting past grievances can create a cycle of blame and resentment, impeding the healing process. Imagine a situation where a past mistake is brought up each time a new argument arises; it perpetuates negativity and stalls resolution.

Mind Reading

Assuming you know what your partner is thinking or feeling, often referred to as “mind reading,” can lead to misunderstanding and frustration. It’s important to allow your partner to express their thoughts and feelings freely, rather than making assumptions. For example, saying “I know you don’t care about this issue” shuts down the possibility of open discussion and potentially misrepresents your partner’s feelings.

By avoiding these communication pitfalls during marriage counseling, you’re more likely to maintain a respectful, open dialogue, encouraging progress in your therapy and ultimately contributing to a higher marriage counseling success rate.

Key Objectives for Achieving a High Success Rate in Marriage Counseling

Taking the decision to engage in marriage counseling is akin to embarking on a journey of mutual understanding, acceptance, and growth. The success rate of marriage counseling often hinges on the clear setting and pursuit of goals – targets that steer the therapeutic process and encourage couples to work together towards a more fulfilling relationship. Here’s an in-depth look at these goals and how they contribute to a high marriage counseling success rate.

Strengthening the Lifeline: Enhancing Communication Skills

Communication forms the backbone of any relationship. It’s a tool that, when used effectively, can dissolve misunderstandings and foster a profound sense of mutual trust. An example of this could be a couple where Partner A often feels neglected because Partner B spends long hours at work. Here, effective communication involves Partner A expressing their feelings without accusations, and Partner B responding with understanding and empathy. Such dialogues, facilitated by a counselor, can help both partners articulate their needs and concerns more confidently, contributing to the overall marriage counseling success rate.

Digging Deeper: Uncovering the Root Cause of Conflict

Often, surface-level conflicts are symptomatic of deeper issues. For instance, recurring arguments about household chores might be masking feelings of unequal contribution in the relationship. Trained therapists can help couples identify these underlying issues, leading to more productive and meaningful conflict resolution efforts. This goal of understanding the ‘why’ behind the ‘what’ in conflicts significantly improves the marriage counseling success rate, as couples can then directly address the root causes.

Embracing Evolution: Cultivating a Deeper Understanding

Just as a tree grows and changes with the seasons, individuals within a marriage evolve over time. As individuals evolve, so do their needs and perspectives. This can often lead to misunderstandings if these changes are not acknowledged and understood. Counseling can provide a safe space for partners to express these changes and help them learn to embrace them, thereby fostering harmony and understanding within the relationship.

Restoring Lost Connections: Reviving Emotional and Physical Intimacy

Conflicts and misunderstandings can take a heavy toll on both emotional and physical intimacy. Take, for example, a couple where emotional distance has led to a decline in their physical relationship. A counselor can facilitate open and sensitive discussions about their needs, expectations, and insecurities, helping to restore intimacy in the relationship. This act of rekindling connections lost in the labyrinth of conflicts can significantly increase the marriage counseling success rate.

Becoming Relationship Warriors: Building Resilience

Marriage, akin to life, will inevitably present hurdles. How we react and adapt to these challenges determines our resilience. Couples therapy offers the tools to handle these hurdles, bolstering relationship resilience and fostering a ‘we can get through this together’ mindset. By working through and resolving conflicts during counseling, couples can develop the confidence to face future challenges head-on.

Charting the Path to a Successful Marriage

In the realm of couples therapy, the destination is not as crucial as the journey. A high marriage counseling success rate is not just about resolving immediate issues; it’s about equipping couples with the skills and understanding needed to navigate future challenges. The goals outlined here lay the groundwork for a more resilient, empathetic, and intimate relationship, providing a roadmap for couples ready to invest in their shared future. Remember, even the most troubled relationships can rediscover their harmony with the right guidance, and marriage counseling offers precisely that: a compass guiding you back to love, understanding, and connection.


Marriage Counseling Success Rates By The Numbers​

If your marriage is hitting some rough patches, you’re not alone. Rest assured, there’s a trusted, effective path forward – couples therapy. How effective? According to some published marriage counseling statistics 2022, the results are staggering. The American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy (AAMFT) boasts an astonishing statistic – a whopping 98% of couples who have journeyed through the entire process of marriage counseling steer clear of divorce. This isn’t just a positive nod towards the effectiveness of therapy, but it also speaks volumes about its incredible power to heal and reinforce the ties that bind.

A Solution in High Demand: How Couples Counseling is Leading the Way

In our modern society, couples counseling is no longer the hush-hush topic it once was. It’s mainstream, it’s prevalent, and above all, it’s working. Did you know that about 80% of private therapists now offer couples counseling? This high percentage mirrors the growing acceptance of couples counseling as a reliable, therapeutic avenue to navigate through marital issues. These trained therapists offer a safe haven, encouraging open communication and understanding, providing you with the right tools to mend and enrich your relationship.

Half the World in Therapy: The New Norm for Marriages

If you’re contemplating marriage counseling, shake off that feeling of isolation. Guess what? Half of the married couples out there are likely to knock on a counselor’s door at some point in their marriage journey. This means that it’s entirely probable that many couples you know are in the same boat, seeking professional guidance to better their relationship. This shared experience not only dismantles the stigma associated with therapy but also fosters an environment that encourages open conversations about marital challenges.

Emotion-Focused Therapy: One Key to a Successful Relationship

Among the myriad of therapeutic approaches, Emotion-Focused Therapy (EFT) shines brightly. An impressive 75% of couples who chose EFT reported a happier, healthier relationship post-therapy. What’s more, they found their marital bond strengthened. This marriage counseling success rate marks a significant improvement from the 50% seen back in the 80s. The marked rise in successful outcomes can be attributed to the growing acceptance of seeking external help and the increased accessibility to trained therapists. Over the years, the field of marriage counseling has evolved phenomenally, offering hope and guidance to couples in the labyrinth of relationship challenges.

Step into Counseling Today: Your Relationship Deserves It!

The statistics are in, and they are encouraging. A healthier, more satisfying relationship isn’t a mirage – it’s attainable and closer than you think. If you’re looking for a high marriage counseling success rate, now is the time to step into the world of therapy. Yes, the journey may have its share of challenges, but the potential rewards – mutual understanding, deeper connection, resilience, and an enriched bond with your partner – are worth every effort. It’s not merely about averting divorce, but building a relationship where both partners feel valued, heard, and loved. Remember, the first step towards change is often the hardest. So, make the move today and transform your relationship for the better.

Is It Time For You To Seek Marriage Counseling?​​

The true end game of couples counseling is to not only find solutions and remedies for current and past issues within the relationship, but also to give the tools and knowledge for the couple to use in the future.

Chances are, if you’re on this page, you’re feeling unsure about the state of your relationship. You can learn 18 signs your relationship may be in need of couples counseling as further assessment. And, when you’re ready, find out how we can help you with a free phone or online consultation today.

Megan Corrieri

Megan Corrieri

Owner, Clinician, Wife & Mom



Here are some additional expert and helpful resources for information on behavioral therapy:

    • The American Psychological Association (APA) is a professional organization that represents psychologists in the United States. The APA website has a section on behavioral therapy that provides information on the different types of behavioral therapy, how it works, and how to find a therapist.
    • The Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies (ABCT) is a professional organization that represents clinicians who practice behavioral and cognitive therapies. The ABCT website has a section on finding a therapist that provides information on how to choose a therapist, what to expect in therapy, and how to pay for therapy.
    • The National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) is a national organization that provides support and education to people with mental illness and their families. NAMI’s website has a section on behavioral therapy that provides information on the different types of behavioral therapy, how it works, and how to find a therapist.
    • The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) is a federal agency that provides information and resources on mental health and substance abuse. SAMHSA’s website has a section on behavioral therapy that provides information on the different types of behavioral therapy, how it works, and how to find a therapist.