Counseling & Therapy For Adults in Frisco, Texas

What is Individual Therapy?

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Individual therapy is a confidential and collaborative process where a trained therapist, like Megan Corrieri, will work closely with a client to explore their thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. Through a supportive and non-judgmental relationship, we aim to understand and address emotional challenges, develop coping strategies, and foster personal growth. It’s a journey towards self-discovery and positive change, tailored to each unique individual’s needs and goals.

Why do most people seek individual therapy?

According to the American Psychological Association FN1, the most common reasons people seek therapy are to manage symptoms of depression and anxiety, followed by relationship problems, work-related stress, and personal growth. In a recent survey, 78% of Americans said they believe that therapy can help people work through issues and improve their lives. Additionally, younger generations are increasingly open to seeking therapy, with millennials being the most likely age group to consider therapy as a treatment option.

When to start individual therapy

Seeking professional help through therapy can be an effective way to address a wide range of mental health issues and personal concerns. While the decision to seek therapy is highly personal, certain signs and symptoms can indicate the need for professional help.

Individual therapy is a common form of treatment for individuals experiencing symptoms of depression, anxiety, or other mental health conditions. This can include feelings of sadness, hopelessness, guilt, or worry that disrupt daily life. Additionally, therapy can help individuals experiencing relationship problems, job-related stress, trauma or abuse, addiction, or life transitions such as divorce or retirement.

Therapy can also be beneficial for individuals struggling with low self-esteem, self-destructive behaviors, or feeling stuck in life. If you find yourself struggling to cope with difficult emotions, unable to make important decisions, or feeling overwhelmed and disconnected from others, individual therapy may be a good option for you. A trained therapist can work with you to identify the underlying causes of your symptoms and develop strategies to improve your mental health and overall well-being.

What is Online Therapy?

Online therapy, also referred to as teletherapy or virtual therapy, is a contemporary approach to mental health treatment where clients and therapists engage in real-time sessions through secure digital platforms. This mode of therapy has gained significant popularity in recent years, driven by its accessibility and convenience.

Online-therapy also aligns with the preferences of many individuals today who are comfortable with technology. Moreover, it can be an attractive option during times of crisis or restrictions, such as the COVID-19 pandemic, when in-person therapy was severly limited. The accessibility, affordability, and flexibility of online therapy make it an increasingly viable and sought-after resource for those seeking mental health support in today’s interconnected world.

Pros of Individual Online Therapy

  • Increased accessibility: Online therapy makes it easier for individuals who live in remote or rural areas to access mental health services.
  • Convenient: Virtual therapy allows individuals to participate in therapy sessions from the comfort of their own homes, eliminating the need for travel and reducing time constraints.
  • Affordable: Online therapy can be less expensive than in-person individual therapy, as it eliminates the need for transportation costs and other associated expenses such as an office.
  • Comfortable environment: Being in a familiar and comfortable environment can help individuals feel more at ease and open during therapy sessions.
  • Anonymity: Virtual therapy can provide a sense of anonymity, which may be beneficial for individuals who feel uncomfortable attending in-person therapy sessions.
  • Increased expert options: Online therapy provides access to top of the line mental health professionals like Megan Corrieri who may not be available to you  locally.
  • Privacy: While there are privacy concerns associated with online therapy, it can also provide an added layer of confidentiality. Clients have more control over their environment, allowing them to create a safe and private space for their therapy sessions.


Cons of Individual Online Therapy

  • Technical Challenges: Dealing with technology can be perceived as a positive because it encourages individuals to adapt to new tools and resources, potentially enhancing their technological skills. Overcoming technical difficulties can also build patience and resilience, which are valuable life skills.

  • Lack of Non-Verbal Cues: Online therapy can sometimes limit non-verbal cues like body language, but it encourages individuals to become more explicit and articulate in their communication. This can lead to improved self-awareness and clarity in expressing their emotions and thoughts which is a huge benefit during couples counseling.

  • Digital Fatigue: Engaging with screens for therapy sessions can be seen as an opportunity to develop digital mindfulness and reduce screen time in other areas of life. This can promote a healthier balance between online and offline activities.

  • Potential Technical Disruptions: Technical disruptions can teach patience, adaptability, and the ability to cope with unexpected challenges, all of which can be valuable skills in managing stress and anxiety.

Top Individual Therapist | Frisco, TX

Megan Corrieri, licensed therapist posing for Living Magazine.


Therapist | Licensed Professional Clinical Counselor | Nationally Certified Counselor

Discover Megan Corrieri, a leading individual counselor in Frisco, Texas, with 15+ years of experience in individual therapy. Let Megan help you overcome challenges and achieve personal growth goals through tailored approaches that build trust, resilience, and emotional intelligence. Equip yourself to navigate life’s complexities and create a healthier mindset. Contact Megan today to schedule your first session and start your journey towards an empowered future.

Megan is fully licensed in both Minnesota and Texas. NorthStar Counseling & Therapy is located at 2591 Dallas Parkway, Suite 300, in Frisco, TX.

How Do I Know If I Need Individual Therapy?

Individual therapy can be an invaluable resource for addressing various mental health challenges and improving overall well-being. Normally individual therapy is recommended when you find yourself struggling with persistent emotional or psychological issues that impact your daily life. Knowing when to seek individual therapy depends on the challenges you are facing such as:

  • Persistent Distress: If you’re experiencing ongoing emotional distress, such as overwhelming anxiety, sadness, or anger, that interferes with your ability to function or enjoy life, therapy can help you better manage these emotions.

  • Unhealthy Coping Mechanisms: Turning to unhealthy coping mechanisms like substance abuse, overeating, or self-harm to deal with stress or emotional pain suggests the need for therapeutic intervention.

  • Relationship Issues: Here are 15 signs you need couples counseling now. Generally when your relationship issues become chronic or when you’re having difficulty forming or maintaining meaningful connections, individual therapy can provide insight and tools to improve your interpersonal skills.

  • Major Life Changes: Significant life changes like divorce, loss of a loved one, job loss, or a major transition can trigger emotional turmoil. Therapy can provide support and guidance during these challenging times.

  • Low Self-Esteem: If you struggle with self-worth, negative self-talk, or have a persistent sense of inadequacy, therapy can help you with a low self-esteem and develop a more positive self-image.

  • Trauma or PTSD: Experiencing a traumatic event or suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) may require specialized therapy to process and heal from these experiences.

  • Chronic Health Conditions: Managing chronic illnesses can be emotionally taxing. Therapy can assist in coping with the emotional impact of ongoing health challenges.

  • Difficulty Managing Emotions: If you find it challenging to control or express your emotions appropriately, therapy can teach you valuable emotional regulation skills.

Remember that seeking therapy is a proactive step toward improving your mental health and overall quality of life. It’s not limited to severe issues; therapy can benefit anyone looking to enhance their emotional well-being and personal growth.

How to Find a Qualified Therapist Specializing in Your Disorder

Finding the right therapist for your specific needs is crucial. To locate a qualified therapist who specializes in the disorder or issue you’re facing, consider these steps:

  • Research: Start by researching therapists or mental health professionals in your area. You can use online directories, search engines, or ask for recommendations from your primary care physician, friends, or family.

  • Specialization: Look for therapists who have expertise or experience in treating your specific concern, whether it’s anxiety, depression, trauma, or a specific disorder like OCD or bipolar disorder.

  • Credentials: Ensure the therapist is licensed and holds appropriate credentials. Verify their qualifications through state licensing boards or professional organizations.

  • Read Reviews: Reading reviews and testimonials from previous clients can provide insight into the therapist’s effectiveness and approach.

  • Consultation: Schedule a consultation with potential therapists to discuss your concerns and goals. This allows you to assess whether you feel comfortable and confident working with them.

Questions to Ask a Potential Therapist

When you’ve identified a few potential therapists, it’s important to ask some key questions to ensure that you feel comfortable and confident in your choice. Some important questions to ask include:

  • What is your approach to therapy?: Understand your therapists methods and techniques and determine if they align with your preferences and needs.

  • What is your experience with my specific issue?: Ask about their experience treating individuals with similar concerns.

  • What are your fees and insurance options?: Clarify the cost of sessions and inquire about insurance coverage or sliding scale fees if needed.

  • What is your availability?: Ensure that the therapist’s schedule aligns with your availability for regular sessions.

  • What is your cancellation policy?: Learn about their policies regarding missed or canceled appointments.

  • How do you handle emergencies or crises?: Inquire about their procedures for handling urgent situations.

  • Can you provide references?: If you are having second thoughts on your therapist match. Request a few references from past clients if you’d like additional assurance.

    • Look up their reviews.: Checking the clinic’s reviews are very helpful in determining how well others have been treated in the past.

Overall, finding a therapist near you is an important step towards improving your mental health and well-being. By taking the time to research your options and ask important questions, you can find a qualified and compassionate therapist who can help you navigate life’s challenges and achieve your goals.

How Do I Support Loved Ones in Counseling Today?

Supporting a loved one in counseling is a compassionate and essential role. Your involvement can significantly impact their therapeutic journey, helping them navigate challenges and foster personal growth. 

While each individual’s counseling experience is unique, certain universal tips can guide your approach to providing meaningful support. Here, we outline these key strategies to assist your loved one effectively.

Be Understanding and Nonjudgmental:

Create a safe and accepting space for your loved one to share their thoughts and feelings without fear of judgment. Recognize that they may be dealing with difficult emotions.

  • Listen actively without interrupting or passing judgment.
  • Use empathetic statements like “I understand this must be challenging for you.”
  • Avoid criticizing or belittling their emotions or experiences.

Respect Privacy and Boundaries:

Acknowledge your loved one’s need for confidentiality regarding their therapy sessions. Respect their boundaries and only inquire about their therapy when they choose to share.

  • Refrain from prying for details about their sessions.
  • Don’t share their therapy experiences or personal information with others.
  • Let them decide when and how to discuss their progress.

Encourage Regular Attendance:

Help your loved one stay committed to their counseling by providing practical support for attendance, such as transportation or childcare assistance.

  • Offer to drive them to therapy appointments.
  • Help them coordinate their schedule to prioritize therapy sessions.
  • Be flexible and accommodating when scheduling conflicts arise.

Listen Actively and Empathetically:

When your loved one wants to talk about their therapy experiences or challenges, be an engaged listener. Show empathy and validate their feelings.

  • Maintain eye contact and show interest in their words.
  • Offer empathetic responses like “I can see how that would be tough.”
  • Refrain from minimizing or dismissing their emotions.

Avoid Offering Unsolicited Advice:

Respect your loved one’s autonomy and the guidance of their therapist. Refrain from giving advice unless they explicitly request it.

  • Listen without immediately suggesting solutions.
  • Ask if they would like advice before offering it.
  • Trust in their therapist’s expertise to provide appropriate guidance.

Educate Yourself About Their Concerns:

Take the initiative to learn about the mental health issues or challenges your loved one is facing. This can enhance your understanding and empathy.

  • Read reputable sources or books related to their condition.
  • Attend educational workshops or support groups to gain insight.
  • Ask your loved one to share resources they’ve found helpful.

Be Patient with Their Progress:

Recognize that healing and personal growth take time. Celebrate their successes and provide comfort during setbacks.

  • Offer encouragement and praise for their efforts.
  • Be a source of comfort and understanding when they face setbacks.
  • Avoid pressuring them to “get better” quickly.


Offer Self-Care and Coping Strategies:

Encourage your loved one to engage in self-care practices and coping strategies recommended by their therapist. Consider participating in these activities together to promote their well-being.

  • Suggest mindfulness exercises, meditation, or relaxation techniques.
  • Plan enjoyable and stress-reducing activities to do together.
  • Remind them to prioritize self-care, such as getting enough sleep and maintaining a healthy lifestyle.


Respect Their Decisions:

Recognize that the choices made in therapy should be determined by your loved one and their therapist. Respect their decisions, even if they differ from your expectations.

  • Support their treatment plan, even if it involves difficult or unconventional decisions.
  • Avoid imposing your own preferences or judgments on their therapy process.
  • Trust their therapist’s expertise and guidance.


What Type of Therapy Is Right For Me?

Choosing the right therapy approach is essential for your mental health journey. Each type of therapy offers distinct techniques and focuses, making it crucial to align with your individual needs, objectives, and preferences.

Also, take into account the evidence-based effectiveness of certain therapies for specific issues. For instance, Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is well-known for addressing anxiety and depression, while Psychodynamic Therapy may be better suited for exploring deep-seated emotional patterns. Here is a helpful guide of the different therapy techniques used for common mental health disorders.


Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is a goal-oriented therapeutic approach that centers on identifying and modifying negative thought patterns and behaviors to foster healthier mental processes. It is widely used for various mental health issues.

  • Common Uses:
    • Treating anxiety disorders, including generalized anxiety and social anxiety.
    • Managing depression and preventing relapses.
    • Addressing obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD).
    • Managing and reducing symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).
    • Assisting individuals with phobias and panic disorders.

Psychodynamic Therapy

Psychodynamic therapy delves into unconscious thoughts and past experiences to gain insights into present emotions and behaviors. It is particularly effective for addressing issues rooted in one’s history and inner conflicts.

  • Common Uses:
    • Exploring and resolving relationship problems.
    • Addressing unresolved childhood trauma or emotional wounds.
    • Gaining self-awareness and understanding recurring patterns of behavior.
    • Fostering personal growth and improving self-esteem.

Humanistic Therapy

Humanistic therapy emphasizes personal growth, self-actualization, and the development of one’s full potential. It centers on the client’s self-perception and their capacity for positive change.

  • Common Uses:
    • Enhancing self-esteem and self-acceptance.
    • Nurturing personal development and self-awareness.
    • Supporting individuals in times of crisis or major life changes.
    • Promoting self-fulfillment and purpose.

Existential Therapy

Existential therapy explores the meaning and purpose of life, helping individuals confront questions about existence, freedom, and responsibility. It encourages a deeper understanding of one’s values and life choices.

  • Common Uses:
    • Addressing existential crises and feelings of meaninglessness.
    • Assisting individuals in coping with life transitions and existential anxiety.
    • Enhancing self-awareness and clarifying personal values.

Mindfulness-Based Therapies (e.g., MBSR and DBT)

Mindfulness-based therapies, like Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) and Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT), incorporate mindfulness practices to help individuals manage emotions, improve self-regulation, and enhance well-being.

  • Common Uses:
    • Reducing stress and anxiety through mindfulness meditation and practices.
    • Managing borderline personality disorder and emotional dysregulation with DBT.
    • Enhancing emotional awareness and interpersonal effectiveness.

Ultimately, the choice of therapy type depends on your specific needs, goals, and comfort level. Consulting with a licensed mental health therapist can help you determine the most suitable approach for your unique situation, ensuring that you receive the most effective and tailored support on your mental health journey.

What can I expect my first therapy session?

Your first counseling session is a crucial step towards enhancing your mental health and well-being. In this initial meeting, your therapist will start by asking fundamental questions about your personal history, reasons for seeking counseling, and treatment goals. They will also inquire about current symptoms or concerns and any prior mental health treatment experiences. 

The therapist may take some time to explain their counseling approach and how they can assist you in achieving your goals. They might discuss various treatment methods or techniques they use and help you create a plan for progressing with counseling. Furthermore, your therapist might ask you to complete assessments or questionnaires to better understand your symptoms and concerns. They may also address confidentiality and privacy concerns, as well as answer any questions about the counseling process. 

Your First Therapy Session Expectations Should Be: 

In your initial therapy session, you can expect a warm and welcoming atmosphere where you’ll discuss your reasons for seeking therapy, your goals, and what you hope to achieve. You’ll likely share some personal history and background, providing the therapist with insight into your unique situation. This session is an opportunity for you to ask questions, express concerns, and establish a rapport with your therapist.

  • Expectations of you during your first session:
    • This is a safe place for you to speak confidentially about your concerns.
    • Be honest of your reasons for seeking therapy.
    • Continue an open dialogue about your goals and desired outcomes.
    • Share relevant personal history and experiences.
    • Take the opportunity to ask questions and address any concerns.

Your Therapist’s Expectations Of You Will Be:

From the therapist’s perspective, the first session is a chance to build trust and gather essential factual information. They will listen attentively, ask clarifying questions, and begin formulating a personalized treatment plan based on your needs. The therapist aims to create a supportive and nonjudgmental environment, fostering collaboration and setting the foundation for future sessions.

  • Expectations for Therapists:
    • They should be active and empathetically listening to understand your concerns.
    • Asking relevant questions to gather necessary information.
    • Creating a safe and welcoming therapeutic environment for you to speak freely.
    • Collaborating with you to establish therapeutic goals.
    • Building a foundation of trust and rapport for ongoing sessions.

Does Individual Therapy Require Medication?

The need for medication in conjunction with therapy is a highly individualized decision that will depend on your unique situation and mental health needs. It’s important to remember that medication is not always necessary or appropriate for every individual seeking therapy, and that the decision to use medication is a personal one that should be made in consultation with a doctor.

The need for medication in conjunction with therapy is a decision that depends on individual circumstances and mental health requirements. Here are scenarios when medication use might or might not be necessary:

When Medication Is Required for Therapy

Medication may be recommended when individuals experience severe, persistent, or biologically-based mental health conditions that significantly impact their daily functioning. Psychiatrists or medical professionals may assess the need for medication.

In some situations, medication may be recommended or necessary when:

  • Severe Symptoms: If you’re experiencing severe symptoms of a mental health condition, such as intense anxiety or debilitating depression, medication may be prescribed to provide rapid relief and stabilize your condition.

  • Specific Diagnoses: Certain mental health diagnoses, such as schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, or major depressive disorder, often require medication as a primary treatment method to manage symptoms and prevent relapse.

  • Therapy alone is insufficiently managing symptoms: If you’ve been in therapy for a while and haven’t seen significant improvement in your symptoms, your therapist or psychiatrist may consider medication as an additional intervention to enhance the therapeutic process.

  • Biological Factors: Sometimes, mental health conditions have a significant biological component, and medication can help correct imbalances in the brain’s neurotransmitters, improving overall well-being.

When Medication Is Not Required

Medication is not always necessary or appropriate for everyone seeking therapy. In cases of mild to moderate mental health concerns or when individuals prefer non-pharmacological approaches, therapy alone can be highly effective.

In many cases, therapy can be the primary mode of treatment without the need for medication, especially when:

  • Mild to Moderate Symptoms: If your symptoms are mild to moderate and not severely impairing your daily functioning, therapy alone can be highly effective in addressing and managing these issues.

  • Personal Preference: Some individuals prefer non-pharmacological approaches and wish to explore therapy as a first-line treatment before considering medication.

  • Effective Results: Many mental health conditions, including anxiety, phobias, and mild depression, can be successfully treated and managed through various therapy modalities without the use of medication.

  • Desire for Holistic Treatment: If you’re looking for a holistic approach that focuses on understanding the underlying causes of your issues and developing coping strategies, therapy can be an excellent choice without the need for medication.

Ultimately, the decision to include medication in your treatment plan should be made collaboratively with a mental health professional, considering your unique needs, preferences, and the severity of your mental health condition. Openly discussing your concerns and exploring all treatment options with your therapist and, if necessary, a psychiatrist, can lead to a comprehensive and effective treatment plan tailored to your specific situation.

Setting Healthy Boundaries Within Individual Therapy

Setting and maintaining healthy boundaries is vital for nurturing positive relationships and safeguarding your mental well-being. In therapy, you collaborate with your therapist to understand the root causes behind boundary challenges, such as a fear of conflict or rejection, and develop strategies to manage these issues. Your therapist helps you acquire communication skills and assertiveness techniques, providing you with scripts and strategies for expressing your needs clearly and respectfully. 

Furthermore, individual therapy helps you recognize warning signs or red flags in relationships and situations that may be encroaching on your boundaries, empowering you to proactively prioritize your well-being. Overall, individuals getting therapy can be a valuable tool for acquiring the skills, strategies, and confidence to set and maintain healthy boundaries in all aspects of life.

Exploring Root Causes of Healthy Boundary Challenges

In therapy, delving into the underlying reasons behind difficulties in setting boundaries, such as fear of conflict or rejection, is essential. Your therapist can assist you in identifying and addressing these root causes, facilitating your journey toward effective boundary establishment.

Practicing Communication and Assertiveness Skills When Setting Healthy Boundaries

Therapy offers a supportive environment for practicing communication skills and assertiveness techniques crucial for setting and maintaining healthy boundaries. Your therapist can guide you in crafting scripts and strategies to express your needs clearly and respectfully, empowering you to navigate boundaries effectively in various life situations.

5 Tell-Tale Signs That Individual Therapy Is Working For You

Recognizing the effectiveness of individual therapy can be a highly personalized experience, contingent upon your unique objectives and therapeutic journey. However, there are several common indicators that suggest therapy has successfully catalyzed positive changes in your life.

  • Improved Mental Health Symptoms and Well-Being One of the most prominent signs of therapy’s success is an enhancement in your mental health. This often entails a reduction in symptoms associated with conditions like depression or anxiety, as well as an overall elevation in your sense of well-being and quality of life. You may find yourself better equipped to manage life’s challenges, experience improved emotional control, and bolstered confidence in your abilities.
  • Enhanced Relationships and Communication Skills Effective therapy frequently translates into improved relationships and enhanced communication skills. You may discover that you can articulate your needs and boundaries more effectively, fostering greater comfort and confidence in your interactions with others. Additionally, you may notice an enhancement in your relationships with loved ones, a direct result of the progress you’ve made in therapy.
  • Greater Self-Awareness and Self-Acceptance Achieving a deeper sense of self-awareness and self-acceptance is another hallmark of successful therapy. Through this process, you gain a profound understanding of your values, goals, and a newfound ability to accept yourself as you are. Alongside self-acceptance, you may have developed valuable coping strategies and tools to manage life’s stressors and challenges effectively.
  • Achieving Your Therapy Goals Meeting the goals you initially set for therapy is an undeniable marker of its success. Whether it’s overcoming specific issues, improving your overall mental health, or enhancing your quality of life, achieving these objectives signifies significant progress.
  • Enhanced Coping Skills and Resilience Successful therapy often equips you with improved coping skills, bolstering your resilience and adaptability in the face of life’s difficulties. You may find yourself better prepared to manage stress, anxiety, and other challenges, demonstrating your newfound strength and ability to navigate life’s ups and downs.
While these signs are general indicators of therapy’s effectiveness, the ultimate measure of success hinges on your individual needs and circumstances. By collaborating closely with your therapist and staying committed to your goals, you can witness substantial positive changes in your life and achieve the outcomes you aspire to attain.

We Offer Individual Therapy Online from Frisco, Texas

Looking for a compassionate and experienced therapist to help you overcome life’s challenges and improve your mental health and well-being?

At NorthStar Counseling and Therapy, we understand that seeking therapy can be a difficult and vulnerable process. That’s why we prioritize creating a safe and supportive environment where clients can feel heard, understood, and empowered to make positive changes in their lives.

Schedule a free 15 minute consultation with Megan Corrieri, a licensed professional clinical counselor (LPCC) with years of experience in the mental health field. Megan brings a wealth of knowledge, expertise, and compassion to every therapy session. Whether you are struggling with anxiety, depression, relationship issues, or life transitions, Megan can help you develop the skills, tools, and strategies you need to navigate life’s challenges and achieve your personal and mental health goals.

Why wait? If you’re ready to take the first step towards improving your mental health and well-being, contact Northstar Counseling and Therapy today to schedule your first session.

We look forward to helping you achieve your goals and live your best life.

Additional Source Information from the footnotes:

American Psychological Association. (2020, October). Stress in America™ 2020: A National Mental Health Crisis.